August 2017 Project Updates

Short for Coalition Networking Meeting, the first “Co-Net” meeting took place on Thursday, August 17 at 9 am at The Highland Center. In attendance were Nancy Witschey from the Highland Economic Development Authority, Donna Bedwell from the Highland Tourism Council, Betty Mitchell of The Highland Center, and Dorothy Stephenson of the Highland County Chamber of Commerce.

Highland EDA Updates: (Nancy Witschey)
-        The 2018 round of the Highland EDA Incentive Grant is in the works.
-        Plans to lend support to Josh Umar with the Resident Attraction program at The Highland Center
-        The State Park group is trying to get state legislature to budget funding for the acquisition of land.

Highland Center Updates: (Betty Mitchell)
-        The Highland Center is currently open for new tenants.
-        Freezer and refrigeration units are getting more and more use, including Fireside Farm, a new business in the community. Food based businesses interested in renting space can contact the Center at 540-468-1922.
-        SCORE counseling continues to be utilized by more businesses. This confidential business counseling can be scheduled by emailing Josh Umar at
-        The Highland Inn Rehabilitation project committee is working through contract details and will be putting the project out to bid later this year. 

Highland Tourism Council Updates: (Donna Bedwell)
-        Welcomed Kristie Siron as the newest council member.
-        The Council is working on a Financial Assistance process that will offer area organizations or businesses the opportunity to apply for funds to support Highland tourism-related efforts. The program is scheduled to tentatively launch in September, open for applications through October and November, and award applicants in December.
-        The Highland Visitor Center is open and receiving an increased amount of guests. Council is still looking for volunteers to fill shifts. There is also interest in beginning Sunday hours during peak seasons.
-        Star Party scheduled for September 22 – 24. The Charlottesville Astronomy Association is working with the Tourism Council to provide astronomers for this event.
-        The Fire Tower was open Tuesday, August 15. Dates have also been selected for the Highland County Fair on Saturday, September 2 from 1 – 2 pm and during Hands & Harvest on Saturday, October 7 from 3 – 5 pm. No charge to climb; however donations to the Highland Historical Society are encouraged during each of these events.
-        Finalizing the new Highland Concierge Map

Highland County Chamber of Commerce Updates: (Dorothy Stephenson)
-          In the planning and marketing processes for the Hands & Harvest Festival, Wintertide, and the Maple Festival.
-          The Hands & Harvest Festival will include the Highland Hills Farm 5K Run again this year.
-          Hands & Harvest sponsorship opportunities for local businesses have been sent out to all Chamber Members. There are currently four sponsorship levels ranging from $40 to $200.
-          All Wintertide festivities, including Santa and the parade, will be held on Saturday this year. A full schedule and information on the event is on the Chamber website.
-          Currently working on updates, additions, and edits to the Maple Festival brochure in an effort to have the brochures ready in time for distribution at fall festivals.

-          A new Maple Festival Sponsorship program has been sent out to Chamber Members.


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