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Highland County's Crush Friday Image Have you recently heard people using the term "Crush Friday" and you think "What exactly does that mean?" Well, we're going to take a few minutes to explain! In November 2017, the Virginia Tourism Corporation announced their big marketing campaign for 2018 - CRUSH FRIDAY. Virginia Tourism Corporation (VTC), along with industry partners including Highland County, is launching a year-long campaign aimed at getting Millennials and “work martyrs,” to take time for vacation, rest, and relaxation. The goal of this statewide campaign is to convince hard-working Millennials to dip their toe in the vacation pool in a way that’s low cost and low risk, but hugely rewarding. “If we can get Millennials to take just one day off and spend it in Virginia, then maybe, just maybe, we can ease their fears, shift their mindset, and save vacation for posterity,” says VTC. The CRUSH FRIDAY campaign elevates VTC’s Virginia is for L...

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