
This blog is a combined effort of the Highland County Chamber of Commerce, Highland Tourism Council, Highland County Economic Development Authority, and The Highland Center.        

On April 4, 2017, Martha Walker, a community viability specialist with Virginia Cooperative Extension, came to Highland County to meet with representatives from each of the above organizations. The goal of this project was to develop an improved vision as to how these organizations could work together more effectively and cohesively. 

As one of the many results of this meeting, a new goal was set to better and more efficiently meet the need of internal and external communication among these partners. In an effort to remedy this situation, one representative from each organization formed a committee to address this issue. After several meetings, the committee came to the conclusion that we need a simple but effective system that would allow us to meet, exchange information internally, and present that information externally, or publicly, to our community.

The group then agreed to meet once a month in an informal discussion with representatives from all a fore mentioned groups to give a brief report on the current projects of each office. 

After seeing the need for a county/community blog for the past few years, the group decided it was time to implement this blog to post updates from these meetings as well as other posts that would allow these groups (and possibly other groups) to convey more in depth details about projects or other newsworthy items.

The group determined this blog would have an upbeat, positive, vibe that would provide information about projects and good news in our community and be a source for Highland County citizens, visitors, and potential residents to learn about the great things happening in Highland County!


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